"Nurturing healthy minds and bodies through the incredible power of the arts!"
Please take the time to read through this guide carefully and thoroughly, to adequately note all the requirements of our final preparations for our grand recital:
SHOW DATE: Sunday 11th June, 2023
SHOW TIME: 5:00pm
ADMISSION: By Ticket Only. Tickets now sold out.
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is for parents to take their time and read through all notices. Please ensure you are staying up to date with the information we send.
We continue to stress the importance of presence and punctuality at all sessions leading up to recital. Absence and tardiness can affect your child's ability to perform.
Kindly ensure your monthly tuition payments are up to date. Delinquent members will not be allowed to participate in the recital.
Your recital fee of EC$100, which covers the cost of your dancer's souvenir recital t-shirt and serves as a contribution towards costuming, should have already been paid.
Please continue to ensure your dancer has all of his/her dancewear basics on standby. As costumes continue to arrive on island, dancewear bases may change with little notice, based on fittings or emergency circumstances.
A grand rehearsal is a final rehearsal prior to the show, giving our dancers and teams the opportunity to practice on stage at the actual show venue. As you can imagine, presence is critical to allow your dancer to get a feel for the stage, backstage and real performance logistics.
​Grand Rehearsals take place on Saturday 10th June, from 3:00pm - 6:00pm at NEPAC.​
Your dancer should wear his/her black LEAP T-Shirt or a former LEAP Recital T-Shirt with dance-friendly bottoms of choice (such as leggings or bicycle shorts) and jazz shoes or turners to the grand rehearsal.
Please bring along light, mess-free refreshments for their mid-rehearsal break like water, juice and fruits. Kindly ensure you do not bring any snacks that contain peanuts to any of our events as we do have dancers with serious related allergies.
Failure to punctually attend grand rehearsal can result in your child not being able to perform.
Please note parents/guardians will not be allowed to stay and watch the grand rehearsal. Drop-offs and pick-ups only.
All dancers are required to arrive at The NEPAC 2 hours prior to showtime, at 3:00pm. We use this time to have all our teams comfortably settle into their dressing rooms and areas, begin dressing for their first performance, take backstage photos, stretch and warm up, and do our customary team motivational huddles. Tardiness can therefore affect your child’s ability to perform, so we must stress again on punctuality.
Please have your small children in particular take a nap if possible in the early afternoon so they are feeling alert and energetic for recital.
Parents and guardians will not be allowed backstage or in dressing rooms. This area is strictly designated for LEAP tutors, performers and event staff only.
Audience admission and seating starts at 4:00pm.
Performers may leave the venue with their parents and guardians after our usual on-stage group photos, taken at the very end of the show.
We have listed the name and order of each appearance below.
Please ensure that your dancer has all the dancewear listed below for his/her performances. The items highlighted in green should be worn to the show. In other words, your dancer should come to NEPAC on show day already dressed in that attire, and should not have to change into them. A simple casual dress, shirt, skirt or pants can be worn over them, which must be quick and easy to remove. All other listed dancewear should be nicely ironed (if applicable), packed in an organized manner, and brought along.
1) 24K MAGIC
White Leotard, White Bike Shorts over Nude Footed Tights, White Socks, Jazz Shoes
* Most Trotters would already have white bike shorts from gymnastics classes.
Please reach out if your child does not already have a pair.
(Skirts provided by LEAP.)
Any outfit of choice that falls under the category of 'yoga attire', like tank tops, camisoles, leggings, headbands, wristbands, etc.
Jazz Shoes
(Gowns provided by LEAP.)
White Short Sleeve Leotard, Jazz Pants, Jazz Shoes
(Waistcoats provided by LEAP.)
Nude (SkinTone) Footless/Convertible Tights, Turners
(Rompers provided by LEAP.)
4) GRAND FINALE - Red 'It's Magic!' Recital T-Shirt, Jazz Pants, Jazz Shoes
* Recital T-Shirts will be distributed to all dancers prior to recital weekend.
​​No jewelry, apart from small, discrete ‘knob’ earrings are to be worn to the show.
Finger and toe nails should be cut low and should be free of nail polish.
In instances where both leotards and tights have to be worn for a performance, please be aware that leotards must always be worn over the tights, unless otherwise directed.
Plain, smooth, black (dark-coloured) underwear should be worn under all dancewear. Please avoid using ‘busy’ multi-colour underwear with patterns and appliqués such as frills or bows. Designs tend to show through dancewear under the heavy stage lighting.
Girls' hair should be completely styled and secured up into a neat, single dancer's bun. Dancers may braid their hair up into the bun (small plaits, cornrows or twists), so that the style stays for each performance, if this is a concern. No bangs, loose plaits or curls should be incorporated. Any hair accessories used to create the style should not be visible.
Make-up should be applied at home! Dancers must show up to the Ballroom on show day with their faces already fully made up. Items such as foundation/powder, eyeshadow, blush, lipstick and/or gloss are essential so that the powerful stage lights do not wash out or create shine on the dancer’s face.
Dancers should bring along with them a bag packed with all their performance essentials. Please ensure your dancer's name is visible on the outside of the bag. A homemade cloth or paper label, attached to its handle can work if you do not wish to mark the bag otherwise. Essentials include their listed dancewear, and basic needs like a hairbrush, head tie/scarf, hairpins, safety pins, shower cap (for placing over the face while changing leotards so that dancewear is not messed up by makeup), a hand/face towel, water and light snacks (which does not typically stain or stay in teeth). Makeup may be brought along for touch-up applications only, throughout the show.
Please have all your children’s dancewear and belongings properly labeled. For instance, write your child’s name inside his/her dance shoes, or on the tags inside her leotard. With everyone in the team wearing the same thing and having to change at the same time, labels are critical so that belongings don’t get mixed up or misplaced and we can easily identify the items’ owners.
No electronics (such as tablets) or valuable items are to be sent with your child to the show. They can be very distracting and risky to manage, and we will not be held responsible for any damaged or missing items. We supply our own entertainment items backstage for our performers.
​Lastly, THANK YOU for all the hard work you do and sacrifices you make to be a LEAP Dance Mom / Dance Dad! Please rest assured that your children are in good care with our professionals backstage and we sincerely hope that you enjoy the results of their hard work over the past months as they present their annual recital -
'It's Magic!'.